Donate to Uvia

Support the revolution

We need your help to revolutionize and democratize digital mental health.

You can help us by becoming a registered supporter of Uvia by donating to our research fund. Your donation will be used immediately to make Uvia as effective as possible.

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Invest in global mental health impact

We are seeking impact investors who share our vision that as many people as possible should experience the benefits of mental health.

Psychological wellbeing has lots of personal and economic benefits. However, 1 in 4 of us will experience a mental health problem.  The global mental health market is estimated at over USD 500 million per year and we think this is a substantial under-estimate. In the UK alone, mental health problems cost employers £35 billion ($45 billion) per year. The pandemic and ongoing economic crisis combined with increasing pressure on health systems will likely make this problem worse.

We believe that part of the solution is teaching people to become their own therapists.  Uvia will be a world-leading platform that uses digital and clinical innovation to help organizations and individuals promote wellbeing, detect mental health problems early and improve mental health. Our impacts will include improve mental health and quality of life which we will actively measure with our platform.

Impact investing in uvia will mean that you are directly part of our mission to revolutionize and democratize digital mental health. You can register here to receive more information about impact investment opportunities as these become available. Your impact investment will make Uvia as effective as possible.