Contribute to our mental health blogs

We are looking for science communicators to create blog posts for publication on our website and social media.

Please submit a heading along with a brief overview of your blog concept below, our primary themes for this content are:

  • Mental health

  • Digital health technologies

  • Current issues in psychiatry / psychology

  • Educational and workplace well-being

We will be in touch about developing your concept and promoting your writing across our platforms, this is a great opportunity for gaining scientific writing experience in collaboration with clinical academics.

Digital Psychiatry Michael Bloomfield Digital Psychiatry Michael Bloomfield

Technological advances in managing anxiety and stress

We all experience worries, stress, and anxiety throughout their daily lives. These feelings have evolved to help us survive and adapt to unexpected challenges day-to-day. However, for some people who are predisposed to higher levels of these feelings they can significantly impact their quality of life, affecting everything from work to romantic relationships, and even leaving the house.

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